Alright, folks, it’s time for the last Master Preview! The rest of these have all been exciting, cool themed masters that fill in some corners of the Malifaux universe or introduce some new ones. Time to see what the Gremlins br…wait…what?
Well, that’s certainly different.
Zipp is apparently a Sky Pirate
(introducing yet another new tribe/trait.) This is interesting, as it’s been
mentioned in previous fluff that Malifaux is criss-crossed by sky cars that transport
its citizenry. Clearly, these gremlins have come up with a new and innovative
way of raiding these conveyances. I don’t know what thematic elements inspired
this character other than…I don’t know, the Rocketeer? Oh well. I’m not going
to pretend all the Gremlin silliness appeals to me, and their choice to raise
the ante here doesn’t do it for me at all. But, that doesn’t mean the character
can’t be interesting mechanically.
So yeah, Zipp’s weird as a master.
Again, we can’t see his attacks to know what he’s going to bring to the table
offensively, but Df 6/ Wp 6 and 12 wounds is not going to hold up to a lot of
punishment. Off-setting it, you’re only going to get one hit on Zipp most of
the time, as his trigger for Df and Wp will likely push him out of range for
any follow-ups after resolving. On the face of him, Zipp kind of seems like a
scheme runner/scheme runner hunter, which is odd for a master. I’m not sure
there’s any that comes close to his raw speed: with an 8 Wk and 3 AP he can
pretty much get wherever he wants in a turn. Of course, he’s insignificant, so
no dropping scheme markers, but that won’t stop him from hunting down opposing
runners or scoring for things that don’t require significance. And, his pseudo-chatty
bubble will make interacting for things like Detonate Explosives or the old
school Deliver the Message pretty tough.
I sort of feel like Zipp, more than
most of the others, will require seeing the back to know what he can really do.
As it stands, he strikes me as being a denial master, but his lack of staying
power sort of seems counter-intuitive to that. I think he’ll do best in strats
like Interference where the opposing crew will be spread out and you can chase
them down individually. So, I guess we’ll see.
Now, since we know all the masters,
it’s time to let your voice be heard! Which master from Ripples of Fate are you
most excited to play? Go vote here!
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