The Neverborn are probably “my” faction, in that I’ve played
them the most since the change-over (though somehow the Ten Thunders have
managed to sneak in there as well. I guess that’s sort of what they do.) As
such, I followed the faction’s progress through the Beta process much closer
than any of the others, and I had some pretty strong opinions going into this
on what worked and what didn’t. It’s possible that’s a
good thing, as I got probably the least amount of forum feedback on this topic
than the other two I’d polled previously. It may be my imagination, but the
Neverborn faction forum has always seemed a little slow compared to the others,
so maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised at the apathy. But still, I was surprised to only have 3 responses as I wrote this. Is it because
the Wave 2 Models were unremarkable? Most of the non-Collodi minions and
enforcers didn’t see a ton of change after a certain point in the process, so
have we been “done” for a while now, and that’s why there wasn’t a big rush of
Is it because we're too busy hiding under your beds? |
Let’s take a look at the Neverborn models and then I’ll
discuss this a bit more at the end. As with the previous articles, this is
going to focus on the faction as a whole, looking for models with general
utility rather than those with a specific focus towards certain crews.
Coppelius and Alps-I’m lumping them together, because I can’t
really see hiring Alps on their own. They need someone to trigger slow, and
Coppelius does that while also summoning more of them so they can work in
groups. He makes more alps through a relatively easy summon spell requiring the Plucked Eyeball condition, which he gets from his melee attack. He’s lost
mobility and a significant amount of complexity from his first edition form,
which can make separating old bias somewhat tricky when gauging his strength.
Ultimately, I think he’ll do well in Dreamer crews and can perhaps play a role
in others, but I’m just not bowled over by what Coppelius brings to the table.
Lelu and Lillitu-These two also deserved to be spoken of
together, although they are not required to be paired up the way they used to
be. They are still interlinked, but importantly they don’t start taking wounds
when their counterpart is off of the board. Their “Same oppressive force” trait
allows healing and conditions to be passed between them. This is a double edged
sword, albeit with one edge sharper than the other. The healing being passed is
always strong, and just being able to pass Focus or Defensive to both for the
cost of 1 AP is pretty good, to say nothing of the specific conditions they
both can generate. However, you have to beware of negative conditions like Burning or Poison, which will
also be shared unless you discard two cards. I could really see McMourning or
Sonnia being tricky match-ups in this regard. Of the two, Lillitu is probably the best on
her own, with Lelu needing some help to push enemies into his threat range so
he can pounce. They are both a bit fragile, as many Neverborn models are, but their
Regeneration (remember it passes between the two of them) and individual
healing abilities helps to offset some of this. 14 points for the pair of them is
pretty expensive, though, and any 7 soulstone model in the Neverborn is going
to have to be compared to the Illuminated. I don’t think these two come out
ahead in that comparison.
Insidious Madness-In the right crew, these guys could be
seriously frightening. There’s a reason they had to be reduced to Rare 3, and
that reason’s name is Pandora. Wk7 and incorporeal means they’re pretty speedy
for objective running or getting into position to cause problems. They do this
by spreading WP debuffs, both through their 4 inch aura requiring you to
discard if you’re going to cheat fate on a WP duel and the “I Can Hear Them” condition they place
on enemies with their attack. Considering how many Neverborn models
attack WP, I see them being potentially quite useful in the future.
Black Blood Shaman-The shaman is essentially two of Lillith’s
upgrades given legs and the ability to walk around and play the game on their
own, letting you run Nephilim grow lists without her. This benefits Lillith by freeing up her Upgrade slots, but also
greatly improves the ability to use Nephilim in non-Lillith crews. This is
frankly a great choice on the part of the designers. Given the fact that Lynch
is not particularly dependent on Brilliance anymore to function and Zoraida isn’t
really anchored to any particular crew, the Shaman lets them get in on grow list action as well. It even gives you an additional means of letting your tots mature as well, using his “Blood Feast” spell that lets you sacrifice corpse counters to for the grow effect.The Shaman can even stab the non-Nephilim models you bring at the beginning
of the game to give them Black Blood, keeping them safe from collateral damage. It’s still a little “combo”-y for my tastes,
but bravo to Justin for putting this into the faction.
Stitched Together-These guys were the poster children for
how over-powered Book 2 was and frankly don’t get enough blame for
the “Neverfilth” reputation the faction picked up from that point on. As such,
you had to expect a dip in power for them. The M2E Stitched Together
are no longer the no-brainer auto-includes they used to be. Their old “Does Not
Die” ability is replaced by the Hard to Kill/Reactivate mechanism that has been
used on some previous models, and I think is a good compromise. Gamble your
life actually requires gambling now (probably fitting), as the flips are no
longer cheatable and ignore all positive or negative twist on the duel. The Stitched have a CA of 6 for the attack which, considering it targets defense, is going to give you advantage most of the time, but it still will blow
up in your face more often than previously. Possibly more interesting is their “Game
of Chance” spell that lets the winner of a CA vs. WP duel draw two cards and
pitch one. In certain crews (Lynch or Pandora come to mind) these may actually
be more desirable than the gamble ability (especially if you have a high crow
to trigger either “Heads I Win” or “Tails You Lose,” which are also my favorite
trigger names ever.) Plus they retain their creepy fog ability and (thank god)
no longer require a suit to cast it. I think the Stitched are a good example of
the compromises necessary to bring an overpowered M1E model down to the level
of a balanced M2E minion. And, on a personal note, they were probably the part
of the Beta I campaigned the hardest for changes that actually ended up in the
game. I was one voice among many, but it was still cool to be a part of
bringing a model to their final shape.
Tuco-A model that brings reliable ranged to the
Neverborn is always going to deserve attention. The thing about Tuco is, you’re
going to want to deploy him via From the Shadows downfield, and you’re wrong to
do so. Maybe M1E Tuco could pull this off, but M2E Tuco is going to die fast if
used in this manner. This Tuco needs to be used for area control, deploying him
to a vital spot on the board and letting him dig in with Defensive, shooting at
people that come nearby and/or making them walk away with his (0) action. This
leads him to feel underpowered, again, in large part because of how strong he
was previously. I think, however, that once we learn how to not get him killed
on the first turn of the game, Tuco’s going to be quite good at this role in Neverborn crews.
The Depleted-These models frankly felt a little lost at the beginning
of the beta, and I was happy to see them shape up into their final form. The
Depleted are a tarpit model. With Hard to Kill and Hard to Wound, it’s
going to be tough to push the 8 damage onto them to kill them off. That
combined with the fact that they explode when they die would seem to make them
low priority targets and would suggest that the best course of action is to
ignore them. This is tough to do once the Depleted get to grips with you,
however, as they get a +twist to disengaging strikes, so they’re going to keep
you nearby once you are engaged unless you find a way around them. For four stones, I think they can do a pretty
good job of causing your opponent headaches. The only
question is going to be whether or not it’s worth spending points on models
that are insignificant and can’t score you VPs. I see a lot of them being “Frame
for Murder” targets.
Iggy-Iggy’s always been a bit weird, in that he’s the only model in
the Neverborn that interacts with burning. In a Woe heavy crew, his ability to
depress the willpower of the models around him will come in handy, and adding
another Incite to a Pandora/Candy crew adds some utility and makes it more
likely to let you control one of your opponent’s models, but this is still kind
of a corner case. In the meantime, the burning just sort of feels stuck on, or
more accurately is a leftover from the fluff that doesn’t really help it
synergize with the rest of the faction.
Hooded Rider-The hooded rider doesn’t feel particularly
inspired compared to, say, the Mechanical, and doesn’t exactly reflect anything
that particularly says “Neverborn” to me. His attack has a relatively standard critical-strike
style trigger that uses his masks, but also can use a different trigger to discard
counters from around itself. The second trigger might have the most potential
to swing a game and makes him an attractive choice when your opponent declares
Arcanist or Resurectionist. His Revel in Reclamation (0) action will add some
good mobility to the crew, with a potential to move 18” in a turn and bring
another model along for 6 of them. His big, last turn of the game ability,
Judgement Day, doesn’t seem particularly interesting, letting him make an
attack on everything in melee range (3”), but I’ve already said not to judge
these models based on these abilities so it doesn’t really factor into my
assessment. For 12 stones, I think the Rider is going to draw a lot of
attention and get shot to death if you aren’t careful with him. There are
probably more efficient ways to spend your points when building a crew.
Of all the articles so far, I think this is the one where I
skipped the most models during the assessment. A lot of them may have strength
in particular crews or under certain circumstances, but some others were just
kind of blah. The Spawn Mother/Gupp combination is something I’ve never really
cared for, as it takes too long to set up and doesn’t pay off with quality
models in the end. Iggy came pretty close to not getting written up either,
until someone finally responded with a comment regarding him on the forum
thread. Going back to proofread, I can see that a lot of my commentary comes off more negative than I really intended as well. While I think the Neverborn get some great models out of Wave 2, I have
to wonder whether the relative “nerfing” that some things received kind of puts
a damper on the enthusiasm of some readers when it came to this. Plus, the fact that Neverborn strength tends to be a bit less intuitive, since it relies on subterfuge and speed rather than direct strength, makes it all the more likely that there are things here we just haven't found yet. So buck up, Neverborn fans! The future is bright!
Some of these minions and enforcers are really good!
Plus we get Nekima, so we'll still get complaints that we're totally broken! |
Next up on the article list is the Outcasts, who I again did
not get a lot of time to playtest during the beta. Any feedback from forumfolks or in the comments section here would be most appreciated.