There are a number of important tools in the toolbox of Fatemasters. Building dynamic, interesting encounters is critical to creating the most memorable games. A solid foundational knowledge of the rules is vital (though I strive to point out that you don’t need that knowledge to be Encyclopedic.) The skill of describing things to your players in a vibrant, detailed, but also fast-paced manner is something that every FM spends their career perfecting. But there’s one other skill that is, in my opinion, just as important and doesn’t get nearly the amount of exposure. That skill is called plagiarism.
Which leads to the second point:
using a shared context is a shortcut to connect your story to the players. If the thing you're describing is familiar to your players, it will help them grasp it faster. That
game involving the Dungeons and the Dragons has an edge in this regard, as the
opponents and settings involved are iconic. People know them. Through the
Breach has a similar advantage with those who know the Malifaux miniatures game world. Additionally, the genres involved are popular with a large number
of people and a number of important historical events were occurring at the
same time. If you throw in a splash of them from time to time, it saves you a
few minutes of description and helps to avoid some of the risk of a player not
following understanding what you’re describing. People know what a home with
Gothic spires looks like. If a lady of the night has been killed and mutilated
in a Victorian setting, people’s memories of Jack the Ripper will do half the
work of setting the scene for you.
So, what level of idea-use is
acceptable to you? Some will lift a theme or an image and build the game from
there (and, arguably, 90% of game inspiration comes from this). Running a
published module as-written is probably the other end of this, particularly if
you’re providing the characters pre-generated to your players. Believe it or
not, most of my games tend towards the latter rather than the former. My dirty
secret is that I’m not super-creative, particularly when it comes to drawing
maps. I love a good story, but I get lost in the nuts-and-bolts of RPG session design at
times. Also, I have a family of 6 and a job that keeps me pretty busy, so
sometimes finding time to be a “good” gamemaster can be tricky. I appreciate
having some of the work done for me. However, after I find a module I like, the
first thing I do is start hacking the module up with a machete to make it tell
the story I want rather than the one that was probably intended.
Allow me to demonstrate.
I run a semi-regular TTB game on Sundays. The usual purpose is to playtest upcoming products, but testing has slowed a bit recently as a large bunch of material was recently released and (I have a feeling) Mason is occupied making M3E. As such, I elected to carry on for the time being with my own campaign. By coincidence, Wizards of the Coast happened to have released a new module, Dragon Heist, at the same time for D&D. This adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms city of Waterdeep and features an urban setting with a rapid, episodic plot wherein characters scramble against a number of factions to try and bring home a haul of gold. Honestly, I’m surprised it didn’t occur to me from the start to adapt it for Through the Breach.
That said, there are things that I
have to fix.
From this point on, I’m discussing
spoilers, so if you’re in my game you’ll want to quit reading *looks at Joe and Jon*.
The original plot of Dragon Heist
revolves around a cache of embezzled gold coins (called Dragons in Waterdeep,
thus the module's name.) An important figure in Waterdeep’s past was responsible for the
embezzlement, and his son is now an NPC who helps the players with the mystery.
That timeline doesn’t really work for Malifaux, as the second breach has only
been open for about a decade. As such, I rewrote things a bit to make the NPC
Emit Van Ember (who represents Dagault Neverember from Dragon Heist) the
grandson of a member of the Council from the time of the first breach who
ruined their family name when it was revealed that he had embezzled a sum of
soulstones roughly equivalent to half a million guild scrip in current-day
value. Emit now works as a private investigator who contracts with the Guild
from time to time, but mostly tries to help common people with the kind of
troubles they run into on a day-to-day basis. His family’s ancestral home is on
the side of the Quarantine Zone section known as Strangers Keep near the Little
Kingdom, and as such he has a “good” working relationship with members of the
Ten Thunders. As the Fated are drawn into this web of intrigue, Van Ember and
his information will be a key to getting to the cache of soulstone first.
One of the unique parts of Dragon
Heist is the fact that it features four important figures from the history of
the Forgotten Realms who, depending on the DM’s choice, can serve as the
primary antagonist for the campaign. The others may aid or hinder the players
depending on circumstance and/or the players’ choices. I like this a lot, and
Malifaux has no shortage of powerful characters to fill these roles. What I
like less is the arbitrary choice from the beginning. My players can tell you
that morality is pretty gray in my games. As such, I’ve intentionally not
placed any of them into a role of open hostility with the Fated from the
beginning. It’s unlikely that they’ll avoid conflict with all of them
(especially since they’re responsible for the deaths of the grandchildren of
one of the faction leaders) but, ultimately, the choices will be in their
hands. As such, the substitutions are as follows:
The Xanathar -> The Widow Weaver
My Fated ran the Heart of Darkness
One Shot in the past, wherein they learned to their horror how much fun a
Bandersnatch can be. I’m not sure that those spiders are related to the Widow
Weaver, a nightmare from people’s imaginations, but I also don’t know that they
aren’t. Good enough for me! Moreover,
when I realized that the Widow Weaver is pretty much the Other-Mother
from Coraline, I knew I had to work her into a game somewhere. And her
semi-sane insanity works well with the Xanathar’s kookiness.
Manshoon -> Yan Lo
Manshoon and his Zhentarim faction are going through some internal strife during the events of Dragon Heist, because some of the Zents want to take steps towards going legit and getting away from being the default bad guys in the Realms, while Manshoon’s sub-faction are busy trying to grab the gold to buy enough influence to basically take over the city for him. I was stuck on how exactly to approach this in-game. My solution is to represent the Thunders as being somewhat in turmoil at the moment. Misaki has only just seized power via the death of her father, the former Oyabun. This rubs Yan Lo (who is her ancestor) the wrong way, wich pushes him to take steps to protect himself and their organization by seizing power. He’ll use his servant Manos the Risen (in place of the Manshoon simulacrum from the module) when direct intervention is necessary, as this will help to maintain plausible deniability. It’s a work in progress, but I like it for now.
Cassalanters -> Lucius Mattheson
Aristocrats with dark allies? Yeah, this one didn’t require an excess of brain power to set up. The interesting part of this one is that these characters grew from the end of the Above the Law playtesting process, and as such are Guild employees. Their missions thus far have all been undercover work for the Guild Guard that has earned Secretary Mattheson’s attention. He’s recruiting them for the Elite Division (their current handler is Ms. Bellerose from the faction books). And when he finds out about the horde of Soulstones, he will want very much to retrieve it for the Guild (by which he means, himself.) The next session, the group is going to be presented with a debt that they’re owed to the Thunders for some previous interactions and told that they’ll be forgiven if they retrieve the soulstones for them (as well as paid 10% for their trouble.) I very much look forward to the potential tension of trying to continue searching for it while keeping it a secret from the Fated’s employers.
Jarlaxle -> Collette Dubois? Angelica?
This is mostly growing out of the showmanship aspect of Jarlaxle more than anything else. I had thought about using Lynch for this spot, but that would be two members of the Ten Thunders. I can definitely see the Arcanists coming into this as another player trying to steal the horde of Soulstones. I basically envision it as: The Star is putting together a traveling company that’s going to go by riverboat to some of the outlying communities, but is currently docked on the river in downtown Malifaux City and doing nightly performances/hosting gambling events. The ladies of the Star are a good fit for this character, but I’m not necessarily sure how I would work it in for my campaign. We’ll see how things play out down the line and whether inspiration strikes. This is another good lesson for your burgeoning Fatemasters out there: no matter what Damon Lindelof says, they had no idea what the smoke monster was at the beginning of Lost. You don’t have to have it all figured out from the beginning, and you should absolutely be ok with shifting your plans when new ideas come up.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve got so
far. Other parts of the story are waiting to be adapted later on, and I have
some ideas for them as well, but more on that as we come to it. For now, I just
wanted to give an idea of how I’m planning on going forward and to give an idea
of how a module or an idea can be adapted across settings and even game systems.
The only limit is your creativity.
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